Good evening Chef, You observation is spot on. To adequately serve their patrons chefs must have a basic working knowledge of their regional cuisines and emerging new trends. Vegetarian/vegan cuisine is a life-style change, not a trend, driven by ... ------------------------------ Alexander Sapp, CEC, PCEC, CEPC, CCA Executive Chef St. Johns Golf & Country Club St. Augustine Florida ------------------------------
Good morning Chef, What you're saying reminds me of what I sometimes hear from cooks and chefs about pastries and desserts. They say "well I'm not a pastry chef" or they try to hold one aspect of cuisine or skill set higher than the other. Like baking ...
Vegetarianism isn't an "either or choice" for humanity. We are omnivores and as such, meat is acceptable in the human diet. To learn how we, as humans, should consume meat, look further than how animals like Baboons and Chimpanzees, who are omnivores, ...
Unparalleled Continuing Education Opportunity: Join us in Atlanta on February 25th, 2025, at Buckhead Beef and Seafood for this intensive one-day workshop. This event is one day before NAFEM. Only two spots remain. Globally Renowned Fish Expert ...
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Hello Chefs!! We look forward to seeing you all at ...